Enhance the customer experience of your commercial lots through increased security and convenient payment.

- Parking Monitoring -
Enhanced Security Monitoring & Plate Tracking
PLACA.AI allows business owners to monitor their lots in multiple locations from one online platform. This is ideal for large corporations that may have more than one building and need a simple solution for managing their lots and parking data.
Rapid Setup
PLACA.AI can be used with existing IP security camera systems to reduce costs while increasing the security of lots.
PLACA.AI uses artificial intelligence to recognize license plate numbers more accurately and more quickly.
Vehicle Log
All scanned plates will be logged into the database along with the vehicle make, model, and color.
Easy Search
Search through database using the plate number, vehicle make, model, or color to speed up the incident search.
Data Management
Switch between multiple devices and various lots through one online platform for convenient management.
Every scanned plate will be logged into the database along with a timestamped video clip of the vehicle.
Monitoring can be set up for multiple lots and all data is accessible through one easy-to-use online platform.
7 days of data storage
Unlimited cameras on 1 dashboard
Unlimited mobile notifications
Unlimited license plate bookmarking
Search by vehicle make, model, color, and year
PUSH notifications with vehicle make, model, color, and year
Incident footage with timestamp
14 days of data storage
Unlimited cameras on 1 dashboard
Unlimited plate scans
Unlimited license plate bookmarking
Search by vehicle make, model, color, and year
PUSH notifications with vehicle make, model, color, and year
Incident footage with timestamp
30 days of data storage
Unlimited cameras on 1 dashboard
Unlimited plate scans
Unlimited license plate bookmarking
Search by vehicle make, model, color, and year
PUSH notifications with vehicle make, model, color, and year
Incident footage with timestamp
7 days of data storage
Unlimited cameras on 1 dashboard
Unlimited plate scans
Unlimited license plate bookmarking
Search by vehicle make, model, color, and year
PUSH notifications with vehicle make, model, color, and year
Incident footage with timestamp
14 days of data storage
Unlimited cameras on 1 dashboard
Unlimited plate scans
Unlimited license plate bookmarking
Search by vehicle make, model, color, and year
PUSH notifications with vehicle make, model, color, and year
Incident footage with timestamp
30 days of data storage
Unlimited cameras on 1 dashboard
Unlimited plate scans
Unlimited license plate bookmarking
Search by vehicle make, model, color, and year
PUSH notifications with vehicle make, model, color, and year
Incident footage with timestamp

- Mobile Park & Pay -
Simple Payment & Enforcement
PLACA.AI simplifies paying for parking in commercial lots or garages. Visitors will just need to download the mobile app, input their parking zone, and the rate will automatically be calculated depending on the lot and the time parked. Payment through the mobile app is simple and doesn’t require the visitor to keep track of a paper stub or find payment kiosks.
Rapid Setup
PLACA.AI can be used with existing IP security camera systems to reduce costs while increasing the security of lots.
PLACA.AI uses artificial intelligence to recognize license plate numbers more accurately and more quickly.
Vehicle Log
All scanned plates will be logged into the database along with the vehicle make, model, and color.
Easy Search
Search through database using the plate number, vehicle make, model, or color to speed up the incident search.
Data Management
Switch between multiple devices and various lots through one online platform for convenient management.
Every scanned plate will be logged into the database along with a timestamped video clip of the vehicle.
Monitoring can be set up for multiple lots and all data is accessible through one easy-to-use online platform.

- Parking Enforcement -
Reduced Enforcement Workloads
Using license plate recognition allows parking enforcement teams to validate more parking in less time, which means that they can catch more parking violations. This increases revenue from parking tickets and encourages visitors to pay for parking.
Additionally, violators take away precious parking from customers which can be detrimental to your business. The software tracks the time each person is parked for to keep parking spaces available for genuine customers.
Rapid Setup
PLACA.AI can be used with existing IP security camera systems to reduce costs while increasing the security of lots.
PLACA.AI uses artificial intelligence to recognize license plate numbers more accurately and more quickly.
Vehicle Log
All scanned plates will be logged into the database along with the vehicle make, model, and color.
Easy Search
Search through database using the plate number, vehicle make, model, or color to speed up the incident search.
Data Management
Switch between multiple devices and various lots through one online platform for convenient management.
Every scanned plate will be logged into the database along with a timestamped video clip of the vehicle.
Monitoring can be set up for multiple lots and all data is accessible through one easy-to-use online platform.
30 days of data retention
Maximum of 2 cameras per enforcement vehicle